A fun shooter that may be passed by because of its lack of multiplayer

User Rating: 7.9 | Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter XBOX
Overall this game is your average FPS. That does not mean that you should skip this one however. Your in space and your fighting alies which has been done many times on the XBox and they've been alot better than this one too (Chronicals of Riddick and Halo2). The controls start out inverted which I swear almost killed me so remember to change that before you start. This game did come out after Riddick did but not even a month longer but they do share some traits. For example, when you move the HUD moves to. It can however get frustrating when your running and trying to change weapons.

The voice acting is done by Henry Rollands and the controls are average FPS controls so there are no complaints there. This game is defiinately for those who have beat all the people who have beat Halo and Halo 2. This one is cheap however and hardcore FPS fans should not be disappointed. I think this game however got dissed as a Halo clone. Well the story is just as good as Halo, you can fly big space ships that arent in halo in this game. People however dont pay attention to this game beacuse it doesnt have multiplayer