Vampire scary? Hunters must be couragous adults? Think again!

User Rating: 9.5 | Lunar Knights DS
Lunar Knights (known as "Bokura no Taiyoh: Django & Sabata" in Japan) is the evolution of the previous Boktai series. The Boktai series feature a boy known as Django who hold a solar gun and with his sidekick Master Otenko, they slay vampires and immortals using the power of sun which in real life, require the player to use a solar sensor to detect the sunlight strength which will result in changes in the game.

For the English version release of this game, the game title, storyline and characters names were changed due to the fact that the third Boktai game was never released in English and thus cause problem in story linkage.

In Lunar Knights, the system of using the solar sensor is discarded (unless you attach a Boktai series game pak in the GBA slot). In the game, you get to play as the Lunar Knight Lucian (known as Sabata in Japan) and the Solar Knight Aaron (known as Django in Japan). Similar to the Boktai series, both characters require charging energy, moonlight for Lucian and sunlight for Aaron. However, instead of using a solar sensor, the game has a built in weather and time system which changes but not in real time. As you play, the time can change to morning for night. At night, the energy gauge will become moonlight gauge and in the morning the gauge will become sunlight gauge, allowing each character to charge and have better advantage in battle.

Lucian, holding to the legendary dark sword, can attack without energy, but the attack will be weaker. However, this allows Lucian to even have the ability to fight even in the morning. In the story, Lucian is a cool warrior who seeks nothing but revenge by fighting the twin-horn vampire, and is only willing to work alone; his side kick is Nero which grants him the power of Darkness.

Aaron is a solar gun apprentice, who can make use of different type of solar guns. However, due to the fact that his attacks require energy, he will be useless when he is out of energy and is unable to charge. However, his solar guns are powerful against enemies that are a threat at facing using melee weapons. Example of his gun include Knight -- which allow regular shots and also allow charging at higher level
Ninja -- a rapid firing machine gun
Witch -- a homing missile weapon that fire and track enemies for a short moment.
In the story, Aaron was training to use the solar gun and when he needs to save a young girl from monsters attack, he was granted the power of Sol from Toasty (known as Okento in Japan). In the world of Lunar Knights, you do not have to travel from area to area in town by walking. Instead, you get a upgraded system from the third Boktai game, which allow you to select where you want to go and what you want to do. You control your characters in combat only when you choose to enter a dungeon.

As you complete each part of the game, you will need to use a Purifex system to purifiy the boss you just defeated. When you are at it, you will realise it’s actually a spaceship shooting game operated by nothing but your stylus. You can switch guardian using the L and R key. Different terrennials (explained in detail later) give you different ship ability.

Nero -- Your basic one shot guardian.
Toasty -- Shoot two shots instead of one like Nero.
Ursula -- Fire one explosive shot
Alexandar -- Fire four shot at once without focus at first. If you point at the enemy longer, more shot will be homing towards it.
Tove -- Touch your ship to create an energy barrier.
Ezra -- Fire an ice piercing shot.

When you obtain a terrennial, you will be able to apply his elemental energy to your weapons which all but the two basic terrennials can be equiped by both characters. That's not all.

At the top of the screen, there will be a TRC gauge allowing using a special ability known as trances. By using the basic terrennials to activate trances, you character will merge with his basic terrennial to become very powerful for a short moment.

Using the other terrennials however, will let you use their special power know as burst attack which requires you to interact with the DS.

Ursula -- Draw circle on touch screen to shoot meteorites.
Alexandar -- Draw circles on touch screen to create tornados.
Tove -- Scribble on the touch screen to create earthquakes.
Ezra -- Blow on the DS microphone to create a blizzard.

In the Japanese version, this game also contains a special crossover side quest and features which involve Ryusei no Rockman ("Megaman Star Force" in the upcoming release). However, this feature is removed from the English release on Lunar Knights.

Now on the opinion of the scores,

Some of the music is more on the comedic side and it suits the games when it’s in a funny scene. However, the creepiness for the suitable areas is just right. Some voice are well acted, however, for some cases, the voice seems strange, for example, Carmilla sounds like she have no energy or sounds just like a robot.

Sound 8/10 (based on English version)

This game contains animations which are fast and catchy, perfect when you want to see something better instead of a long dialogue. When in a dialogue, instead of making the user see the game sprites talking to each other, you see official arts that change with the emotion of the conversation talking to each other at the top screen. Not bad at all. Only the game graphic still remains as the old GBA sprites style except for the shooting battles.

Video 9/10

The story about a world with vampires and two vampire hunters hunting them down makes the story a bit horror like. However, this game still manages to add humour and exciting sense in it. This makes the story interesting. The story also advance by telling the play it’s going to another chapter. This will not make the player feel that he have been playing and doing things based on the same story again. This game have its characters suit their roles by having Lucian a cool character and Aaron a young apprentice. Story 9/10 (based on the English version)

I personally love the system of the shooting battles and the dungeon exploring and levelling system is classic.

Game play 10/10

This game makes a great amount of use of the Nintendo DS hardware. The touch screen had been used for navigation, special attacks and even shooting battles. The DS microphone was even made use to lure monsters and blow blizzard in one of the burst attack.

Use of the Game System 10/10

Overall, this game is a great title and I recommend it to all who enjoy studying the weather and playing games that are humorous and action-packed. Overall 9.2/10

Thank you for reading my review.