Players once again pay E.D.N. III a visit

User Rating: 7 | Lost Planet 2 X360
Players once again pay E.D.N. III a visit, only this time, the icy mountains fans of the first game have grown accustomed to is now replaced with lush forests littered with pirates and mercenaries.

Graphically, Lost Planet 2 improved on everything. Every environment in the game is so detailed that you can't help but admire the work the developers have put into the game. However, while the aesthetic values of the game are topnotch, the same can't be said of its online multiplayer feature.

Online multiplayer is just a mess. The maps are so huge that beginners won't have a clue what to do the first few times they play the game. The objectives how to win a match is unclear too and you're just better off blasting anything that moves.

The finicky control scheme, with the addition of some frustrating camera issues, don't help either, especially if you find yourself in the middle of a heated firefight in those few times that you finally got to see other players in that gigantic mess of a map.

At least cooperative play is better and it may be the best feature Lost Planet 2 has, next to its graphical achievement.

Still, Lost Planet 2 is a fun game to play, despite some of the issues. And since you can play as Marcus Fenix himself in E.D.N. III, every gamer should be sold.