This review is late but it must be said! Lost Magic is one of the best game I ever Found... ((Oh yes, I did))

User Rating: 8.5 | Lost Magic DS
The touch screen style behind the gameplay in this game is brilliant, pure brilliance. I haven't been able to play the multiplayer for anyone wondering as my wireless router... well I just can't ^_^!

The freedom behind different spell effects and types is insanely brilliant!

If your a true mage lord ((uber geek)) like myself you will feel right at home having to remember spells as if learning a true spell book yourself! -- You can understand why in certain shows or games certain people will only stick with 1 type of attack, because you feel safe it what it can do and it's easier to pull off!

The times I tried to rush casting a max level spell and failed and then jumped right back to doing lots of quick ones was often, and dangerous -- but, in the end I mastered the shapes beautifully although 1-2 give you trouble even if you do it, to what seems correct.

Final Words: Quite simply maybe I love this game so much because at the time I bought this game I was about half way through Full Metal Alchemist, and THIS is perfect for FMA. This IS the alchemy except simply called magic in a happier world too ^_^, if your a lucky enough FMA fan to see this review dodge the palpable FMA game and get this just call the main guy Alfonse if you like :P -- ^_^.

ANYWAY Lady and Gentleman... ENJOI!!!!