A game has never taken you so close into magic like LostMagic. Overall Grade: 8.6

User Rating: 8.5 | Lost Magic DS
LostMagic is the perfect example of usage of the DS controls. Never before we have seen a game that lets you interact so deeply with the magic within it, and with the gameplay itself. The use of the stylus was perfect and what is the most impressive, is the recognition system for the runes. Because let's face it, it was in everyone's mind when they first bought the game: "Is this going to be one of thos ames that unless you are incredibly specific in the drawings it wont recognize it?" But we were relieved to see that the game does a fairly good job with that, although sometimes we see there are some problems with it

The only solid negative point for this game is the "rollercoaster difficulty" as Gamespot has already put in their review. There are times that you breeze through the game and all of a sudden hit a "brick wall" of sorts, and that is very discouraging. However the fun in having to raw runes faster than you thought possible, choosing in the blink of an eye the right spell, is undeniably fun

The sound in the game is disappointing. We have seen better sounds in Gameboy's Pokemon. There are about 2 or 3 battle musics, 1 or 2 theme musics and that is about it. There is no variation, and we saw that the DS is capable of some decend sounding, so on that area the game left us wishing for more.

In my personal opinion it is a very good game that, although will not please everyone, is very recomendable and garantees hours of fun.