Innovative and Entertaining!

User Rating: 8 | Lost Magic DS
This was actually a great game. it had moral decisions for your character. allowing you to roam the lands as evil ike if you so chose, or to help those less fortunate than yourself. anyway. the downside to this game is, that after you get so far, alot of your power is stricken away and the game gets much harder. you now not only have no magic staff, you now have to beat all of the element masters again, which was a headache the first time around. but now they are just harder. The game actually has a kind of free range poke'mon feel to it, with the ability to capture monsters that you encounter and use them to aid you in battle, but they are not the main element, although they are necessary. also, the difficulty of the game, which shifts dramatically, and i actually thought it was a major headache, and only prolongued the game, which is either a good thing or a bad thing, depending on your veiw. but the game was an overall success, and used the DS's stylus to its full capacity, and its really a great game, i would definately reccomend it, to not only new, but moderate and even a few heavy gamers.