Good but not quite. Completly dissapointing on the net.

User Rating: 3 | Lost Magic DS
The most Important thing i got to say before i even start this, is dont buy this only for the network mode, you wont ever make it into the rankings if you play honestly, if two persons are playing, and one disconects wheter its by accident or not, its not a win by default, its not recorded. So people disconect when they are loosing 99% of the times, meaning this game's network gaming mode is disturbingly USELESS.

WHAT is it with these DS rpg games that you have to push tiny spaces to select each unit, wich are all the time overlaping, and the DS pen's tip is bigger than those spots. i never used it for FF3, and here you are forced to use it, but its imposible to select one unit from a huge crowd. and you have to move them separatedly extremelly often wich is a pain. (but really FF3 could have been for something else since they wasted the ds's touch screen -.-)

I got this has a gift, they told me it was in the used section, worked fine.

After i started playing i soon notice the next few things, first of all the program figuring out how you draw the runes sucks, you are suposed to shoot or heal more powerfully if you drew them perfectly, but the program requires that you to ALMOST specifically draw them in an angle and size that is unknown to the user from just seeing the drawings, and even once you get the hang of it it can never be mastered.

Took me a week or a lil more to figure out were each line ends to max the healing rune, and still now i dont get it often.

The game is fun dont take me wrong, for the first playtrought. You get bored before the final boss. The game is more like a time trial since you loose if you dont have a fast pace and are unprepared in some stages. actually the game is super easy, but kinda draggin in the end.

Also, multiplayer maps suck, and the lag is incredibly sucky too. (not to mention that you dont get points if the enemy player disconects/turns off before loosing)

ah and lastly the history and characters suck too.

well what do i have to personally say? 3 things

1- i understand why the guy that sold it did it, might do the same.

2- it feels like a good experience, if you got the us cash then buy it for fun, but dont expect a masterpiece.

3- extreeeeeeeeeemely dissapointed, bought the DS mainly to play this, FF3 and Club House, only club house was a remarkable purchase, FF3 was fun but this one lowered my DS online expectations a LOT

Sorry but thats how i feel about this game..