Lost Magic is an intresting and fun experience, whether you are playing through the single player mode, or enoying NWC.

User Rating: 8.1 | Lost Magic DS
Lost Magic is a great RPG game from Ubisoft, also the first game that Ubisoft has made that takes advantage of the nintendo Wi-fi connection. The game is very intruging in its own right, and keeps you playing with its intresting style of RPG gameplay. The game is lengthy, and with NWC, the card should stay in your DS for a while.

Lost magics intresting style of gameplay is the biggest hype up to the games release. And it dosent dissapoint. With over 200 spells, you can summon monsters, and draw magic attacks using the touch screen. In story, lost magic is pretty intresting. The main charater, Isacc is in search for his long lost father. In hopes of finding him, he journeys arcross the world, only to get himself into a crisis. Soon enough, he has the whole world on his sholders. There are many twists and turns throughout the game, which keeps the story intresting.

The graphics in Lost magic could have been better. Te polygons, and textures look like lesser gameboy advance games. Games such as golden sun, and metroid fusion end up having better detail than lost magic. Although picture animations are pretty good looking on the DS' LCD screen.

The sound is ok, could have been better though. A few good tunes are in gameplay, but only a few. So the music gets rather annoying after a while. The fighting sound effects are not all that great, but are still able to keep the game intact.

Lost Magic should last you a while. With a pretty legthy compain, and a worthwhile Online mode that has you magic duel, and load anything you have unlocked from single player mode to battle people across the globe, lost magic doesnt dissapoint in this aspect.

Lost magic is not without flaws, but it is still a great game. A worthwhile single player story, and a good, although sometimes laggy online mode, Lost magic can have hooked for quite a while.