It’s a watered down version of your generic RPG game- and while the concept had potential to be fun, it just doesn’t cut

User Rating: 4.5 | Lost Magic DS
Ah, LostMagic. Well, it SOUNDED like my kind of game. Turns out to be a waste of my time (as many games nowadays do), and money. Thank god that I ordered Trauma Centre at the same time.

My main point is, has their ever been a truly amazing handhold RPG? Answer = no. Sure, there’s been a few that could be known as decent on the go hack and slashers (Baldur’s Gate: DA for the GBA comes to mind) but LostMagic isn’t even that.

It’s a watered down version of your generic RPG game- and while the concept had potential to be fun, it just doesn’t cut it.

Sometimes I’m willing to waste my time with a game if it has a decent storyline and likable characters. Sorry, but who CARES about the little blond dude? Or his wacko grandmother? I don’t, and that’s why the game falls back on it’s behind.

The combat system is shameful and the whole game gets rather tedious rather quickly, due to the repetitive gameplay. Games need to hit me with something straight away if they want me to carry on playing- whether it’s amazing graphics, a strong storyline or fun gameplay.

That being said, it’s not the worst game ever made. The way in which you cast spells is very interesting and if you don’t care about storyline or anything like that, and just want to waste a few hours, LostMagic might be for you.