Good start for the DS RPG

User Rating: 7.4 | Lost Magic DS
This game is a good start for RPGs on the DS, It uses the stylus in a new fashion for casting spells. Over all though I got bored of the game quick, For one having 50 monsters following my guy around and trying to get them to attack what I want them to attack gets annoying. The spells can all be mixed together to make new spells which makes about 70% of them pointless because your only going to remember the ones that you find useful and you can't remember every combination and what it does. I still had a lot of fun playing it while I did. I think this game was needed for the DS because it starts to give RPG makers some ideas for how to make a game like that on the DS. I would recommend this to people who just want a RPG on the DS, I didn't see a lot of replay value myself though.