Just magical!

User Rating: 9 | Lost Magic DS
LostMagic was the second game I purchased for my Nintendo DS. I sat down and started playing, and from the moment of the first battle you face, I was hooked.
The gameplay consists of commanding Isaac (and later his monsters) in an RTS fashion around a map, completing the objectives shown on the top screen. This however, is not why the game is so great. To kill the monsters, you must draw magical symbols called "Runes". As you progress, you will learn different runes and be able to combine them to form powerful spells. The sheer variety of spells in the game would rope almost anyone in, boasting over 350 different incantations, each with varying levels of power. Some even mix in some humour, if you look closely.
The soundtrack is also quite good, giving depth the levels. The graphics are again, quite good, with distinctive maps and carefully drawn monsters. Spell graphics are solid, with alpha masks being carefully placed.
The story same old, same old. An evil ruler invokes the power of an age old god and decides to wreak havoc.
Multiplayer: Now this is where the game really shines. Normal duels against other players are always really thrilling and fun, and each battle usually comes with something funny that happens. For instance, I was versing my friend, and we both used Ice King at the same time, hence, the "Double Snowman".
The new game plus feature is very helpful, as fighting through the second time with all of the spells you previously had unlocks new possibilities and strategies to destroy (Or run away from) your enemies.
This game exudes a lot of charm and radiance, and keeps you playing through as much as possible to complete every extra and fill your spell book.

Gameplay: 10/10
Graphics: 7/10
Sound: 8/10
Story: 6/10
Extras: 8/10

