An incredible sequel that out does the 1st game by far

User Rating: 8 | Rune II: Koruten no Kagi no Himitsu GC
Lost Kingdoms II is the sequel to one of the first RPG games that hit the GameCube shelves, Lost Kingdoms. Kingdoms II has a very similar story, with a few differnet, characters, including a new main character. The gameplay in Lost Kingdoms is truly incredible. Throughout the game you collect cards with all sorts of different monsters and attackers. These monsters help you fight in the wild, and help you take down the biggest boses around. Other monsters that you collect can protect, heal, or immeadiately destroy the enemies ahead of you. During the game you are creating an indestructable deck that will prepare you for the boses and enemies that come ahead of you. If you collect all the cards in the game, you will have the chance to put together a deck that cannot be beaten. This game has so many positives, it hooks you into the story and gameplay immeadiately.
Audio in this game is incredible and it adds to the excitement and fun of the game. During battles this game gets pretty intense, having to make moves quickly in order to be successful. The sound adds to that rush, seemingly putting yourself in the battle. The only downside to this game is the lack of depth in the multiplayer system. In multiplayer, using the deck(s) from the main story, you fight your opponent (the same character) in an all out battle. The multiplayer is not worth your time, which lowers the value for this game.
All and all this game is very solid and although it has a long story, the way the game hooks you is amazing. You learn how to play the game quickly, and the controls fit the gamestyle perfectly. This sequel puts game #1 to shame.
I give this game an 8.0/10.0