Just another diablo rip-off. A pretty solid one, admitted, but lacking in the finesse that made diablo extraordinary.

User Rating: 7 | Loki PC
Loki was pretty interesting at the beginning, as a good diablo rip-off, but there are some problems that cannot be forgiven. For once, why do i have to stop everytime i want to heal, if not using health pots i mean? It gives the game a pretty rigid feeling. And the fact that no one tells you what to do is annoying too, i mean, it took me 2 hours to figure out how to buy many potions not just one. And how to sell stuff. And when you die, you just pop up at the entrance of the area, like nothings wrong, you diddnt just die or something, a truly agonizing experience, no, probably just got tired, frack knows. And then again, im sure im not the only one who got 3 Odin points when i wanted to play Thor, because i found out a bit too late where to change your deity...
Except for these little enconveniences, its pretty good, its fun to slash things, sound is well implemented and the mythological background is wonderfully documented (at least norse). So yeah, its repetitive, but its fun to slash stuff diablo style. Still waiting for D3 though, Loki couldn't fill the gap.