A true gem, worth playing now after patches! Rewarding and entertaining.

User Rating: 8.5 | Loki PC
Loki manages to provide a treat for those who enjoy a good old-fashioned hack and slash. Its a shameless diablo 2 clone, just like Sacred, Titan Quest and many other wannabes. Except this is a real gem in rough. Only it feature much better visuals, a truly superb soundtrack, very gripping play mechanics (with four very different character classes) and a very long and interesting campaign. On the downside, the initial release was bugged beyond belief. Frequent loading crashes, poor item loading, broken quests and bad performance. Another main 'problem' is the game's suicide bomber play mechanics. Unlike all other games, gameplay is designed to make it impossible to avoid death. Instead its all about how few times you can die to clear out a given area... there is no death penalty either, so this keeps things interesting. So to sum it all up, this is a 'truly unique clone' of a classic. Hack-n-slash at its best. Just make sure you have some patience.