BORING. This game isn't worth your money.

User Rating: 3.5 | Loki PC
My brother bought this game.
I told him not to buy it but he's a hard fan of action crpgs.
So I was convinced to try the game on his computer.
This is an ugly piece of software.
Controls are really nasty.
Graphics are well..... nothing exceptional.
Sound is repetitive. ... the game is repetitive...... Environments are empty and "cold". No. Not because of the Viking location, but because of the lifelesse places you'll roam.
Inventory system is terrible!!!!!
Also item manipulation's nothing good.
Shopkeepers has never something interesting and you can obtain some good item only from killed monsters.
The quests and story are really poor.
The game has nothing to offer for your fun. Well... my brother just keeps playing only because he doesn't want to admit he has spent his money for a crappy game.... but this is another story... :-)

If you want to join my brother's useless crusade.... you are welcome, but I warned you. Wait for something better (HellGate London, The Witcher) or just try something less expensive (i.e: The Chosen Well of Souls.... judging by the demo, not a good game but better than Loki)