A decent action RPG that borrows from Diablo. Decent graphics, decent audio, interesting tweaks to mechanics.

User Rating: 7 | Loki PC
If you're looking for an action RPG to tide you over until Diablo III arrives, the Titan Quest series is probably a better bet. But Loki delivers enough interesting, albeit tiny, tweaks to the mechanics and formula to stand on its own. The interface is a bit more difficult than it needs to be, and the controls aren't as forgiving as other action RPGs, but it's still fun.

My main complaints is that the mechanics often force you to stop altogether to heal up. Rather than keeping you in the action, it's like the game's wealth of baddies are intended to make you attack, run away, stop, rest; attack, run away, stop, rest. That gets old. Granted, Diablo made you pop potions and run in circles, but I'd rather do that.

I wouldn't pay full price for it, but if you've already played Titan Quest, it's worth a try. The copy protection is annoying but can be tolerated.