A decent game, with a lot of fun challenges and levels, but don't expect it to be mega long.

User Rating: 7 | Logic Machines DS
Logic Machines is a fairly decent game, besides it's short length.

Packed with a lot of short and perplexing levels, it's an innovative game. The goal is to use utilities to create machines to blow up objects, get a ball to a goal, or other simple tasks.

A small sample of the number of utilities includes scissors, boards, balloons, bombs, and fuses. Scissors pop or cut things (like balloons), balloons can be attached to other items and make them float, fuses make bombs explode, and boards are like platforms. They are all used for solving puzzles.

The only problem about the game is that it is very short. But I think it's made for that. Maybe it was a short project? Who knows.

And if that isn't enough content for you, there are also a fair amount of achievements for you to collect. Not to mention high scores and gold medals.

So give it a try; it's good in my opinion, but it's not for everyone.