Very fun but alot of screw overs

User Rating: 8.5 | Ousama Monogatari WII
Are you Looking for a fun filled enviorment where you can do pretty much anything well you might be looking at a fun game right here. Little Kings Story has pikmin ****game play with a kingdom twist which i think is creative and yet totally original. So my favorite stuff is the other kingdoms, like the jolly kingdom with king duvroc you need a special team to beat any of the kings and after you beat any of the king you get a surprise of a cool princess. the first king you play is the onni king who is surprisingly hard. A problem of this game it has the most screw-overs ever like when people die they usually dont comeback.

King Duvroc

So as this game proceeds it gets more and more annoying uma guardians to get land. Sometimes you need to beat one to get to a kingdom which is very stupid. The biggest to get to a kingdom screw-over is sunflower plains it's the "shortcut" well it isnt you need skill to get through there i did but it was hard .

Lumberjacks and Annoying Boss who i hate.

Above is the incredibly stupid grunts and the somewhat helpful lumberjacks. The job system is a little odd since you need to pay alot for some jobs. Like a savvy merchant is a total let down for that much but worth it. Also the cooks can kill the chickens in sunflower plains with ease which creeps me out. The jobs are fun yet totally annoying to get.

Well thats my review of little kings story hope you enjoy it