Little Inferno is not your typical kind of modern game. The major idea is simple yet interesting.

User Rating: 9 | Little Inferno PC
In terms of gameplay, the game moves on slowly and require little patience; after all it is kind of a drag drop kind of game (at the first hours).

But the story line of the game is really immersive, you start to understand and love/hate some of the few characters in the game and slowly have a connection with them. It all builds up for the ending of the game.
What is special in Little inferno is the big amount of metaphors in the game. After all the major burning objects idea is related to the Typical gamers where they burn away all of their times in what the game consider somehow usless, though it is not the only metaphor.

The soundtrack is simply amazing, you could just sit back, relax, and enjoy the soothing soundtrack.

All in all the game deserves some attention and is worth all the money you pay. It is a short game but the ending and story line is worth it