20 DOLLAR make you HOLLAR

User Rating: 6 | LIMBO X360
So last night I was strolling through the Xbox market and ran across this hot little number. LIMBO looked up and me and I said, "let's do this". Next thing I knew I was in the middle of an amazing adventure! I couldn't wait to see what was around the corner. The dark silhouettes moved me. I felt a connection to the character right away. I loved every tiny smooth movement and how the camera followed him through this 2D world.
The total experience was about 3 hours. I went to bed satisfied. The game was a lot of fun and I can't wait to watch my friends play it.
So I woke up this morning.. and sobered up. The romance was gone. The game is almost completely unplayable now. Limbo, I'll always remember the amazing time we had together.. and how I woke up feeling taken...