Good game, but not worth the $15........$1 maybe......

User Rating: 3 | LIMBO X360
OK, so this game is fun (for a very short amount of time). It has some parts that will make you think about what your doing, but unless you're going for the achievement for dying only 5 times in a sitting, there is no reason to think about not dying. It can be just trial and error. "oh, that didn't work I'll try this. Oh, I died, I'll try this..." There is no amount of lives, you don't get sent back a long ways and have to fight though again. You die, more than likely you'll end up right where you were before you died! It did suck me in but that was only for a couple of hours and then I beat it!?! This is a long demo at best. And the achievements are not that hard to get. Besides for the visuals I've played longer and better indie games on Live than this. I don't know if they ran out of ideas and said, "lets just end it here then." or if they are going to bring out a bunch of DLC that should have been in there in the first place, but I can't recommend this game to anyone looking to purchase it. I will however let my friend come over and play it for free considering I wasted fifteen bucks on it. And Gamespot.......9.0!!!!!!!Come on! It's obvious you didn't have to pay for it! If it was free I would give it a 9.0 too. I said it already, it is fun but far from worth the price tag. I was sold a dollar menu item at McDonald's for the price of the whole dollar menu! So I give it a 3, because it was fun but left a bitter taste in my mouth and wishing I had never bought it.

p.s. Wishful thinking but M$ and $ony should start putting average playing time in the descriptions. That would change minds on buying games like this and make developers work to make games worth the money