"Life is Strange and also this game"

User Rating: 9 | Life is Strange: Episode 1 - Chrysalis PS4

"she can rewind time at any moment, leading her choice to enact the butterfly effect"

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So yeah, it has been about 2 or 3 weeks since this game came out and i can't stopl talking about it, i don't know if it's something about the enviroment or the gameplay mechanics that makes it so unique, at some point of course.

The name of the first chapter is "Chrysalis" wich alludes to the transitional stage of insects pupae as they emerge into adulthood

Everything starts with a girl named Max, she's on her 20's i think, and she , as her professor says, she has a gift to take pictures, in fact she's studying photgraphy, and she had this classmate who most of them are girls, i don't remember if i saw any man, but you know they are like all other classmates, there's the sad one who gets bullied by this other girl who is all perfection and all that kind of stuff, it really took me to my school!

it made me feel like i was on that class, except that i was the guy who got bullied but it's okay, doesn't matter i love those elements to the game, well played Square Enix,

Well Max, the main character, witnesses the murder of a girl on the bathroom of her school and at the moment she tries to do something she discovers that she can rewind time at any moment, wich cause some kind of butterfly efect.

To be honest i love this kind of gameplay, i mean it's not like go here, do this, take that, kill those! no! it's not linear and that makes it so cool! At the beginning of the game we are introduced with a sentence that says "Every Choice You Make Will Affect The Progress Of The Game" and that gaves you an idea of what kind of game you're gonna play, and we have some games with that mechanich, Mass Effect, The Walking Dead, among others, but this one it's pretty different, especially with the rewind sistem because if you don't like what you got? BOOM rewind time, and it's done! it's like a Trial And Error game, and it's pretty cool, it must be like the 40th time i say that but actually it is.

as for the presentation and graphics well the graphic are not the best, i think it could have been better, i mean i played on my PS4 and i really expected some more realistic animations, and the enviroment, as i said earlier, it totalle takes you to the place where the game is.

at last, this game is pretty awesome, it has cool gameplay mechanics and the sets that you get involved in are pretty colourful and smooth, it deserves a 9 out of 10! even though is the first chapter.

If you want a different game you should chek it out, i can tell you it is a totally good experience from everyones point of view.