Could there have been, or ever be, a better game than this? Answer: **** No!

User Rating: 10 | Liero PC
For its genre and intetional 8-bit graphics, this is LITERALLY the greatest game of its kind (except maybe for Llamtron). Now im not trying to act wierd or anything like that, this really, in all seriousness, is the greatest game of its kind, ever. This is a totally freeware game with an uncountable number of mods for improving overall gameplay, therefore value being a perfect 10. Gameplay, as mentioned before, is great: 10. Sound, obviously a lot of work has gone into recording sounds for the 100s, nay, 1000s of weapons in this game. 10. Graphics, intentionally hilariously poor. 10.

Team17 and all the people who worked on the WORMS series, how does it feel to be taken out by 8-bit warfare?