I grew up with this game, and in my eyes, it still is one of the best puzzle games out there.

User Rating: 9.5 | Lemmings PC
This is an all around great game. The graphics are actually great for it's time. The puzzles obviously had a lot of time and effort put into them.

One thing I've noticed about many games from this era, including this one, is that those were the good old days when they focused more on game play and your experience instead of worrying so much on graphics (not to say that there aren't great games with great graphics, it just seemed more common the other way). It's just an instant classic.

Because of the games age, it is up for free download on the internet, and I strongly recommend that you download it! It actually runs okay on most high performance machines, aside from some screen refreshing issues that cause it to flash. But it doesn't really take away from the game play.

Again, highly recommended for those that love the classics.