Lemmings, it's now a classic, but this version was perfect in 90's a wonderful strategy game.

User Rating: 8.3 | Lemmings PC
Lemmings it's a strategy game, u use a group of little green-hair persons that u need to cross obstacles, and u have different moves (dig, create stairs, stop people, explode and SELFDESTRUCTION) BUT u have it count so u need a lot of brain in high levels to make the steps. The first levels r for practice u have more movements than neccesary and only u need to pass the 10%-50% of lemmings to the other side. But there levels that u need the 90%, and there are holes that fall to dead ur lemmings, so u need to wact in lemmings 2 things: 1) how movements u have 2) How % of lemmings u have.

This is a wonderful classic, not only by his venues, because was the beginner of this type of games, "worms" IT'S based in this title.

I recommend it for all ages, even the dog can play (that was a joke). Lemmings it's a wonderful game, obviously if u have Win 95-Me u will play it very well 'cause it's in MS-DOS, but to .NET-XP it's obsolet so if u have a Pentium 4 and u wanna try the classic version this version it's now for Palms.