Lemmings Is A Charmming, Fun Game, That Is Great For All Ages And Exsperiance.

User Rating: 8 | Lemmings GEN
GOOD- Charmming Fun; Great Speeding Planning game; Pushes you to the limits; BAD- Its abit limited; difficulty is high

Lemmings of one of the best games for the Sega Megadrive as you need to try to get all the lemmings to the other side without them dieing, by doinf this you must tell them to dig, build, or place items to stop them from falling over or dropping to there death, its a fun game but can get abit limited by the option of tools and levels you can use, but still, Lemmings is a brilliant game for all!.

The graphics are very colourful, but not coloufull for the Megadrive standards, im talking about the Backgrounds, but for a Megadrive the game runs smoothly for its days

The funny voices comming from the Lemmings are so funny and you could'nt belive how funny there Heilium littles voices are, other than that and the poppy music theres nothing speicly