Lemmings.. no not 360 fanboys.. Lemmings the game!

User Rating: 7 | Lemmings PS3
Now that I see 360 owners all in a mash calling Ps3 owners "Cows" whenever they get a chance (even in their reviews) I decided to write this review, and like them, use 360 fanboy puns and whatnot. No, I do not hate Xbox 360, I actually own one, I have all 3 next gen systems and 2 of the last gen systems. It's only fair.

Lemmings is about guiding a bunch of rather dumb creatures (which one?) as they persist they must die (like 360 emo fanboys). You then mustr guide them to saftey before they hurt themsleves (no wonder 360 fanboys are called Lemmings..). You guide them to saftey using a bunch of wonderous and puzzling traps, using wit to guide these dumb (ignorant, stupid!) creatures to saftey in an enjoyable fashion. The graphics and audio are only mediocre but the gameplay shines and the Lemmings are fun to mess around and control with (like the other kinds)

Like puzzlers? Buy this game.