Lego Star Wars,is LEGO!!! enjoy the ride as you play as great characters,and save the galaxy from the dreaded si

User Rating: 10 | LEGO Star Wars PS2
Lego Star Wars,is a great game for kids/adults it might be hard at times,but seriously you will battle your way out of the hard bits! I thought buying the characters was a brilliant idea since there would not be any point playing the game because mainly you want to be the Jedi OR Sith! I thought it was a great Star Wars game,mainly because of the fun and adventure,the humour of the way the LEGO is! and after all it is LEGO! dont you just love the adventure?
you can also,rescue people,fight people,and kill people! if you love lots of fighting then I recommend you get Lego Star Wars:The Video Game!
like the light side? you'll love the light side powers! like the dark side? you'll be laughing with happiness while playing the dark side powers!

*great camera!
*play over 20 characters in the game both Sith,and Jedi
*fight the evil - Sith!

*sometimes, blury
*not enough light saber duels