The Complete Saga on DS looks wonderful and plays like it's console cousins, but doesn't take full command of the DS.

User Rating: 8 | LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga DS
Let's face it: no matter how much you mind trick someone, Lego Star Wars 2 on the DS was lackluster at best.

So I had my reservations about The Complete Saga but I'm happy to report that the box isn't lying, this truly feels like a DS game.

Graphically speaking in-game sequences are remarkable on the DS. It's not going to win any awards, but everything goes quickly and the only slowdown i encountered was at the final encounter against Palpatine. On the other end of the spectrum are the story clips that play before and after missions. These are done to try and mirror the console versions even better, but so much more effort could've been put into it. At the very least, while showing the images on the top screen, a caption would've been nice at the bottom since it can be difficult (at times) to know what a character is indicating.

Sound on Complete Saga is wonderful. Everything from blasters to the orchestral music are beautifully recreated on a portable platform that, to my knowledge, is the best Star Wars sound on a portable game so far.

Gameplay on the DS is... interesting. Like the console versions, you'll find yourself in a LEGO-fied version of the Star Wars universe traversing through the most famous movie sequences. Along the way, you unlock assorted characters, and bonus games. It seems these unlockables actually make up the majority of the game, and so the replay value on here is through the roof if you're a completist. My biggest gripe however is with the sue of the touch scrren. save for the mini-games, it's primary use is character selection and quick use of force abilities. There could've been many other ways of use. Granted, they may be in some mini-games I have yet to unlock.

Star Wars: The Complete Saga may be on the cuter side in the looks department, but it is a tried and true game with plenty of unlockables, and even a bit of real DS usage.