If you are looking for a simple, but fun game to keep you occupied for a few days than look no further

User Rating: 7.6 | LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy X360
Unless you dont have a brain, which some people don't, you have heard of Lego Star Wars 2, but now you will hear if it is any good. So in the first Lego Star Wars video game, you got to play all of the adventures of the second Star Wars trilogy. Which is great and all, but it left a lot of people thinking "Hey, We want to play the original trilogy also!" So their wish was granted, when Lucas Arts Games released a sequel to Lego Star Wars called Lego Star Wars 2: The original trilogy. The game added a lot of comedy to the game, to make it that much better, and you know what, I think it is even better than the first.

So first we take a look at the gameplay. The story, most people are familiar with because they saw the movies. You will be able to play most of your old favorite Star Wars characters such as Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, R2 D2, and even Chewbaca. The gameplay mechanics are very similar to the first Lego Star Wars game. The controls were basically un touched, as they are about the same as the other Lego Star Wars game. And of course at the end of every story, there will be a light saber fight. Which actually aren't that much fun. But they weren't that much fun in the first game either, so I wasn't very dissapointed. Heck, the light saber itself isn't very fun to use. Sometimes whenk I was in a lightsber fight I just thought "Ga! Why cant I just shoot him already!?" In most Star Wars games I have looked foward to using my lightsaber. Well not in this one.

Dont come into Lego Star Wars II expecting a huge weapon set, because you will be dissapointed a lot. But noone really expects a big weapon set from the Lego Star Wars games, or from almost any pick up and play Star Wars game. But depending on which character you play as, you might get a diffrent weapon. Like Chewbaca has a diffrent weapon, as his weapon resembles a Cross bow with bullets, just like in the movies. And if you play as any jedi in the game, of course you will have a light saber and a couple cool force powers, which will be a key factor in completeing the game. The game is also very short, and can be beaten in 5 to 10 hours at the most.

Well overall Lego Star Wars 2 is fun at times, but it is missing some things. The puzzle solving is quite fun also. The gameplay is flawed, and not even close to perfect, but is enjoyable at times. The gameplay gets a Seven out of Ten.

The graphics in Lego Star Wars II are a lot better than what I had expected. I mean, the Lego Star Wars games aren't exactly known for having amazing graphics or anything. But I have this to say to Lego Star Wars II: Welcome to the Xbox 360.

The Xbox 360 really improves the graphics a ton from the original Lego Star Wars. The lighting effects in the game are actually pretty good. But they will not blow you away or anything. And you can see all of the shine coming of of the characters that you are playing as, or fighting against. I was really surprised by how well the graphics were. Like I said they're not gonna blow you away or anything, but they are a lot better than what you would come to expect from Lego Star Wars 2.

Other than what I have just mentioned, everything else is just like the old Lego Star Wars. Cartoony and goofy looking. But that really isn't a bad thing, because that is what Lucas Arts was trying to do. I mean seriously, they weren't trying to blow people away with the graphics or anything, which im pretty sure they didn't do to anyone, but they just tried to make it look funny and really cartoony. And you know what, I think that they did a very fine job doing that.

Well overall, the graphical presentation is heavily improved thanks to the fact that it is on the Xbox 360. And the lighting effects are actually pretty solid. But the rest is basicly cartoony which is perfectly fine by me. But like I said, they were just trying to make a cartoony looking game. And I think they did a pretty good job. Which is why I give the graphics of Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy a very solid Eight out of Ten.

The Sound in Lego Star Wars II: The original Trilogy is also done quite well. The game is very funny to tell you the honest truth. This game made me laugh a lot. There is a scene were all these storm troopers are in this hot tub with drinks and things. And a lot of why that is so funny has to do with the sounds presentation. There are no voice overs in the game. Which is no big deal to me, since I wasn't really expecting there to be any voice overs. But you still have all of the classic Star Wars noises that we have grown to love. Like for instance, The gun shot noises coming out of the blasters that you use sounds like it came right from the original movies. And in case you are wondering, that is a good thing.

Also, you have the same old noises from the lighsabers that everyone loves so much. Ok, I dont know about everyone, but I like it. But just because of this doesn't mean there are no flaws at all. There are some flaws with the sound. Like usually when you fire your blaster or what ever gun you have the noise of the blasters sounds off too late, or in some rare cases to early. The same thing happens when you interact with the inviroment. Sometimes the correct noises will happen either to early, or to late. Which is not so great.

Overall, I think that Lucas Arts really did a good job with the Sound in Lego Star Wars II, but it feels rushed at some parts like the noises not going off at the correct time. But I like all of the old classic Star Wars noises that you get to hear in the game such as the blaster noises and the lightsaber noises. I think that giving the sound in Lego Star Wars II The Original Trilogy a Seven out of Ten seems fitting for a game like this. It has its ups and downs.

Overall, it's not like Lucas arts was trying to get a game of the year award from this game. They were just trying to make a fun game that everyone would enjoy. And I think they did a good job. The game is fun, it has fun puzzle solving and cool powers, but is cut down by the fact that the game is way to short and not really that hard. And the game looks really solid aswell. The lighting is surpriseingly good and I like the cartoonish look. And the game sounds ok. But the noises not happening in time or to early cuts it down. Overall, Lego Star Wars II The Original Trilogy is a fun game, but is more fitting as a rental rather than a purchase. If you are just looking for a fun game to keep you occupied for a few days than look no further.