May not be Lego Star Wars, but it definently puts the bread on the table.

User Rating: 8.5 | LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures X360
So i get my 360 last Christmas and ive been playin it ever since. I see that it comes with Lego Indy and Kung Fu Panda. I was like "are u serious? This isnt the hardcore gamer." But eventually, after i took a break from Xbox Live playin Halo 3, i decided to put this game in. I was amazed!

No i never seen any of the Indy movies, and no i dont really like Indy type stuff, but i started playin this a couple of days ago tryin to get EVERYTHING and all the acheivements. I just couldnt stop playin.

First of all, at the beggining, i was thinkin "i like lego star wars a little bit better". The fact that i seen all the movies, makes more sense. But i started playin this couple days ago and like i said i just couldnt stop playin.

Let me stop chatterin and talk actually about the game.

U start out in this place called Barnett College. Go look around, get some studs, or just start the first level. It's very fun. The story mode isnt that confusing when u havent seen any of the movies. Now im not gonna write a whole descriptive review, but ill summarize it as best as i can.

The game has the same technique as Lego Star Wars games, which is a good thing. U go around collecting studs, artifacts, and parcels. Studs let u buy kool stuff. Artifacts are like Minikits from lego star wars, collect them to unlock kool-lookin statues in the museum and unlock 3 bonus levels with them. And parcels are like the red bricks in lego star wars, collect them to unlock extras.

Umm.....lets see....i cant think of everything right now, but i can tell u that this game is fun.

Oh! The graphics are amazing, the sound is good, and the multiplayer isnt really a good part of the game. I didnt play with someone, but i know how lego game multiplayers are. If u wanna get this game, play by urself.

My recommendations with be short and sweet.

1. They should have put Xbox Live into this one, it would've been a little kooler if u could play with a friend, or share ur custom made character with a friend. But this isn't a necessity i think.

and 2. Lets get to the part where im at. This part really KILLED the whole point of playin this game. Well not exactly the point, but u know what i mean.

*******Possible SPOILERS if u havent played the game*******

After u find the 5 hidden star wars characters, u can unlock Han Solo. But the thing is, i was waiting that whole time wondering to see who that last guy would be. I was thinking that he would be the best character in the game. Turns out, that all he has is his freakin trusty pistol. No moves or anything. It pissed me off. The reward for beating the game 100%: u get Han Solo who sucks in this game, u get studs popping out of the sky, and u get suckish this one bonus level that sucks so much. Its freakin pointless...its called warehouse. Ur supposed to make ur own race track. (The vehicles in the game are sweet by the way.) Its pointless and a waste of time. I dont like this part.

******end of spoilers**************

Ok i guess thats about it, all i have to say is that this game is worth getting. If u dont have it, and ur a fan of the Lego Star Wars series, GET IT! Theres like 2 things that arent good about the game, but the good stuff overpowers the bad. Except that the reward isnt worth getting...but anyways GET IT!

Gosh i just wrote a freaking BOOK!!! Didnt mean to do that......sorry guys. The game is fun and just today i got every acheivement for this game and im off for Kung Fu Panda....I dont like that game very much. I will review it sometime but anyways.

I give Lego Indiana Jones 8.5 whip swings outta 10!