Only buy this if you have a plethora of free time and love Legos... AND if you are extremely creative.

User Rating: 7.9 | LEGO Creator PC
There's not a lot of actual "playing" to be had in this game, but you spend your time building structures and creating your own environments and roads and whatnot. The best part is using it as a "filming studio" by giving characters and objects assigned tasks.

For instance, you can order a guy to drive his car into a wall, shattering the blocks, and having a carefully placed exploding block nearby to set off a chain reaction of flying Legos in every direction, and you could even make flying vehicles and create "satellites" that sit up in the sky, dropping objects off. Like I said, you need to be creative with this game... ha ha ha...

There's one actual playing element, and that's controlling a character or flying a plane or blocks assembled with an antannae - which makes it flyable - and going all over the place.

This is about as open ended as a game can get, so have fun. If there were online mods available out there, this actually could be made VERY fun...