A very underated game!

User Rating: 8.5 | Legendary X360
This game is very underated

Gameplay: It plays much like a ordinary first-person shooter. The biggest difference that this game has from other shooters is that the main enemies you fight are mythical creatures such as werewolves, griffins and other creatures. The gun selection includes the usual machine gun and shotgun, nothing special here.

Characters: The main character you play as is Charles Deckard, a silent character that is not that interesting. The other supporting characters are also pretty boring. The bad guys are more memorable, such as LeFey the main villian of the game.

Story: This is one of the better parts of the game, the story involves Charles Deckard unknowingly releasing monsters from Pandora's Box. Deckard and his associate then get picked up by The Brotherhood who have been defending the box from an evil group of people named the Black Order. The box gives Deckard a signet which allows him to absorb the creatures power.

Level Design: This game has some good level designs and some bad ones. The bad is because there seems to be atleast one sewer section in every single level. The good is when your in locations such as a cathedral in London or a collapsed building in New York.

Conclusion: The game has some very annoying areas were your in another seemingly endless sewer levels fighting hordes of annoying enemies, but then you get to a massive fight inside a cathedral with monsters and Black Order on all sides. Fights like the catherdral battle is the best thing in the game.
that is why this game is underated, they only focus on the sewer battles and not the epic battles. Overall a very underated game.