Legendary is a sweet game when it comes to the weapons but it is weak in many areas!!!!!!

User Rating: 6.5 | Legendary X360
Legendary had a lot of potential to be a awesome game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it just didn't have what it takes to be an instant classic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the creatures in the game were pretty lame and they were not the hardest to fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the graphics were pretty weak for a 360 game which was pretty disappointing!!!!!!!!!!
i thought that your character in the game was very dumb and he could have been much more hardcore but they didn't make him a marcus fenix but instead made him indiana jones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but the weapons in the game were awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i really liked the shotgun and all of the weapons in the game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
most of the weapons were pretty sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the storyline was kind of weak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i didn't like how it was another story that had to deal with pandora's box!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the storyline could have been better but for the most part this game is not worth buying but instead is worth renting first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and if you liked it after renting it then good for you because this game to me was not worth the money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!