A title that can only be classified as above average through the incorporation of real-time semi-creative cinematics

User Rating: 6 | Legendary PC
Legendary takes place in a post-desolate version of New York in which you are in control of a 'professional' thief by the name of Charles Deckard who had been the direct source of what had re-conditioned the state. Charles is not the most appealing candidate, however, as he, for no explicit reason, never speaks to anyone and doesn't denote a personality any different than a mime.

The storyline of Legendary bases you against a typical enemy who ideally plans on controlling the planet with mythological beasts that release from a once-sealed container known as Pandora's Box, the plot element Deckard interacted with that caused New York's desolation at the beginning of the game.

First of all and foremost, Legendary suffers from a very serious problem, and that problem is defined as its retro gameplay engine only seen from titles released in the 20th century; for example, two players facing one another who shift right to left simultaneously will never be able to shoot each other with their weapons without the reliance on blind luck. But it is Spark Unlimited, the creators of the notorious Fall of Liberty -- mind the sarcism. Fortunately for Legendary they have pre-rendered real-time cinematic scenes take place around you which are exceptionally creative, such as cars that were momentarily parked on a street suddenly merge with one another to form a large golem-like abomination.

But we all know an ounce of creativity cannot be enough alone to catch the eyes of prospective consumers when it is the only positive that can be offered, therefore Legendary is a perfect rent for those who want to experience it but don't want to use up more money than what is actually worth.