Better than Turning Point

User Rating: 4.5 | Legendary PS3
How do you follow up one of the worst games in recent memory? Spark has mercifully improved Legendary over the atrocious Turning Point. But sadly it still falls sort of almost everything else available.

The plot involves a numbskull art thief named Charles Deckard. He agrees to open Pandora's Box for an art collector named Le Fey. He commands a private army so obviously turns out to be a bad guy. The opening doesn't kill Deckard, instead leaving him with mystical powers, which are upgraded during the game. Health is collected from fallen enemies. Storing and using health; indeed all other mystical powers are managed by Triangle. This can be quite problematic.

Most of Turning Points major errors have been rectified. A sprint button has been added. Combat is slightly more satisfying and varied; as some enemies have to be killed a specific way. Weapon scopes don't cover the screen nearly as obtrusively. Graphics are prettier, with some nicely done set pieces. Yet these can only highlight how boring your actions are in comparison. Loading times are better managed. Presentation has a more professional feel, with Deckard's PDA fleshing out the universe with detailed notes on enemies, weapons etc. There are even hidden items scattered throughout levels.

Its not without fault however. The fire button sticks after reloading, environments are still pathetically non-interactive. The door hacking minigame is a particularly lazy example. Legendary is a competent FPS; worth a rental or maybe at reduced price. Judging by the improvements Spark have made here, their next release could be quite decent. Yet, Legendary is only as good as the most average shooter. This may sound pretentious, but it's an inescapable fact.