This is by far one of the greatest RPG's out on to FFVII of course.

User Rating: 9.2 | Legaia Densetsu (PlayStation the Best) PS
This is just an all around great game and does not get the credit it deserves! The hours that you can spend on this game collecting everything and mastering all your magic is incredible. The game play and Replay Value of this game are also quite astounding. The sound and graphics were also pretty nice. I would recommend this game to anyone who loves a good and long RPG. Vahn, Gala, and Noa are some of the coolest characters with there awesome Ra-Seru powers and martial art techniques. The enemys on this game were also very cool. The juggernaut was by far my favorite enemy. Songi ,the nemesis of Gala, was also very well used in this game, the hatred and anger these two had for eachother made the game that much more exciting.