it is simply the best video game i have ever played

User Rating: 10 | Legaia Densetsu (PlayStation the Best) PS
This game had the best storyline of any game I've ever played. Completely brilliant. Along with a great storyline, it has what i believe is the best fighting system of any game ever. It has much more variety in the attacks you can do than most RPGs have, so the random encounters do not get so tedious as they have a tendency to do in certain games. It was also a relatively difficult game, which sets it apart from many other RPGs. I could go on and on about all the great things about this game, but instead, since i'm lazy, I'll just leave it up to you to play it if you havent already. It doesn't matter that it's almost 10 years old, I still haven't been able to find a game I liked more than this one. I think I played it through 4 times or so.