Fun game with great fighting system, but nasty PS one graphics.

User Rating: 8.8 | Legaia Densetsu (PlayStation the Best) PS
Legend of Legaia is a pretty long RPG that incorporates one of my favorite fighting styles extremely well. The fighting and the indepth story are to great parts of this rock solid game, but Sony's disgusting graphics aren't to hot. The strategy of the fighting goes into the leveling up of your characters moves, and also into finding new move combos. Every time you attack you select what moves to use, like right punch or hook, left kick, ect. And if you manage to find a right combination then you unlock a move, like dolphin kick. This is the best part of the game, as there are always new combos to be found. The graphics, as I'll say again, aren't to hot, but that doesn't bog the game down to much. In the end I really enjoyed this game, and I think you will too. At some points it can be pretty difficult, but a lot of great games are. None the less, fun game, I think you should play it. Enjoy.