Not quite there

User Rating: 6.5 | Legend of Grimrock PC
Decent game for an indie, but I feel that it is over rated by the community. It is a good puzzle game, with old school grid based movements.

First up, its graphics are alright and does its job well. There could be more variations in the wall design though as you will be facing it alot throughout the game. Sound is alright as well. The good part about the game is the puzzles which can be challenging.

However, the combat gets repetitive and rather tedious soon after playing. You will be doing this side-stepping maneuver and attack again and again in a 2x2 square whenever you fight a monster. And to be frank, this kind of combat isn't very fun and combat is actually a large part of the game together with the puzzle-solving.

In all, this game is probably good to stir up some nostalgia feelings but nothing really more.