I enjoyed it. Of course I was a fan of the whole Kain series from the very beginning. It's not the best game, but fun.

User Rating: 7 | Legacy of Kain: Defiance XBOX
This was one of my first additions to my Xbox collection. It was a fun game. If I wasn't so enamored by the Kain character from the original Playstation game - Blood Omen - I'm not sure I would have enjoyed this game as much though. The graphics are very colorful but not very detailed, especially on my 60" HDTV - even with the HD cable. The music score and sounds were decent. They are effective in conveying the "spirit" of each level. The background music during the spirit realm is pretty creepy, with the sound of people moaning, groaning, and crying. I thought it was pretty cool.

Gameplay was okay; not much to it, really. I wouldn't say it's your traditional hack-and-slash but there's not a lot of strategy required in your attacks. The strategy lies in how you solve the game's puzzles, which are pretty easy to figure out too.

All in all, I'm glad played it but I wouldn't recommend it for anyone not familiar with the Legacy of Kain series.