Gamespot was absolutely right, this game was a BIG disappointment. Read my review and see why.

User Rating: 5.5 | Legacy of Kain: Defiance PS2
Ok let me start by saying that one day i was at gamestop and i was just browsing Ps2 games that looked promising and fun. Thats when i ran into this game in the bargain bin. I looked it over, read the player reviews, even though gamespot gave it a low rating, i took a chance because of all the player reviews that were positive. I went back to gamestop bought it for 7.99, took it home and played it. This is were things start getting ugly.
At first this game seemed fun. Beating up knights and soldiers and things like that with a bad ass vampire dude!!!! Awesome right????!! I think not. After about 20 minutes i started realizing that the combat was so simple!!! theres only a handful of moves and combos that look very dull and boring, unlike the game it tried to copy, devil may cry. I also noticed a few minutes later that there is so little enemy variety!!! All i was fighting were knights and archers and an occasional bald mage guy!! Trust me, lack of enemy variety makes a game real boring real fast. Then things went from bad to worse. I can sum it up in one word. RAZIEL. After a certain point, you control this little beauty. What a complete uninspiring character. Raziel is some anorexic vampire bat thing that has the SAME EXACT COMBOS AS KANE!!! and boring ones too!!! Raziel fights different enemies that i can barely keep from laughing at. They look so damn cartoony!!! Zombie things with stupid smiles on their faces, these little demon things u first encounter in the spirit world, they made me crack up. I cant believe this game got an M rating its so funny, unintentionally. But seriously if u want a good action adventure game don't buy this game. Yes some of it its good or can keep u amused for a little while, but on the whole, this game is a BIG disappointment. Boring gameplay, bland environments, lack of enemy variety, absolutely NO replay value whatsoever!! AND although Kain is a cool character that simply isn't enough to save this game from complete mediocrity. If u want a good action game buy devil may cry instead. Peace out.