A short game that lacks depth, but its intesnse chaotic action makes up for it.

User Rating: 8.5 | Left 4 Dead X360
+Just plain fun
+Playing as infected and survivors are both a lot of fun
+Impressive AI
+Good audio

-Only for maps
-Not a lot of weapons to chose from

Left 4 dead is a chaotic, pick up and play game that should be worth checking out by anybody who is into shooting games.

There really is no storyline in Left 4 dead, basically you there has been an infecition spread in a city that has turned everyone into flesh easting zombies and there only remain 4 survivors to escape, you play as one of them.

The main thing about Left 4 dead is that its so fun. There are thousands of zombies to kill in each chapter, while the gameplay is very simplistic what really makes it fun are the hordes of zombies to kill, the AI director clearly spent months working on how the zombies react and do stuff. The infected come in different forms, theres the smoker, hunter, boomer and tank which you can play as in versus mode which i personally find the best mode. The bad thing is that there's only four maps which can all be completed in less then 5 hours, also theres not alot of weapons really.

The graphics are really anything impressive, they get the job done by making you feel as though your in a deserted city full of flesh eating infected zombies. So does the audio which is actually very well done, the vocie acting is solid and the sound effects and music suit the game.

This is a great game despite is not having much to offer other than blasting zombies, a few more maps were needed and some more weapons would of been nice. Other then that this game is worth checking out.