Good game. too bad that there's too many newbs.

User Rating: 8.5 | Left 4 Dead X360
Overall this is a great game. the graphics were slightly dated at the time but assuming you think graphics < game play you should love the game.

the biggest downside with the game is not the game designers fault however. often while playing you'll play with people who either 1. kill teammates as a joke. 2. Run ahead of the team often getting themselves killed and the rest of the team in trouble. The online play is great other then that problem.

The only thing i found to be a huge flaw was when playing as the infection. sure its fun and all, but if you don't have a team of 4 infected you wont have bots playing as infection. in layman's terms...if your the only one playing as infected, your on your own kid. this is not the case for the survivors however making a 1 on 1 game rather unfair (imagine a 1 on 4!).

Still the game play is great and the zombies are great. probably the best thing that was absolute genius is that you can go into afk mode where the computer will play for you. its wonderful in case you have to go eat dinner answer the phone take the dog's outside you name it.

final opinion:
dated graphics but i don't mind
extremely good game play
very good online game play