Killing zombies was never so fun!

User Rating: 8.5 | Left 4 Dead PC
I tried it briefly on the 360, in single player mode. I played about ten minutes then decided I never wanted to play it again. Then steam had it on sale one weekend... for dirt cheap, and for whatever reasons, I was going through a period of my life where I could not get enough of zombie games and movies.

So I bought the game for $5 or $10. I thought to myself, "Whatever, at least I get to kill zombies."

I jumped into a game with 3 other people already blowing zombies the F away... and I was delighted. I was hooked. Playing with other people who know what they are doing, was much more immersive than the single player experience. I was hooked.

Fast paced, and exciting, with enough breaks in the action that you do not feel hounded. Very team oriented. A bad team won't survive long... and a good team will sometimes barely take any damage. The difference is impressive.

I would recommend this game to any of my friends who love FPS, and especially to those who love killing zombies.

A most pleasant surprise from a game I didn't expect much from.