Bastards at Disc Replay told me you could actually fight...

User Rating: 3 | Fighting Golf NES
So as it turns out, Lee Trevino's Fighting golf, is 0% Fighting, 0% Trevino. Just Golf. Is it that hard to call it Lee Trevino's Golf? The guy behind the counter specifically said "Yeah you can even fight! Its pretty cool!" Bull man! Bull! i played, and played. And i golfed, and golfed. Or at least tried. The games controls are very hard to figure out. Which you wouldn't expect, with it only having two buttons for a golf game. But i think anyone who wants to play a gold game on the NES should go with the Nintendo brand game "Golf". It is probably much more simplistic and completely un-misleading. Dont bother even buying this game unless you are a die hard NES fan who wants to collect every game. That is your only excuse to buying this game. Also, in case you were wondering who Lee Trevino exactly is, and why he has his own video game, he is the guy from Happy Gillmore who shakes his head side to side when he breaks the clowns nose at the putt putt golf place and when he "kills the Mista Mista lady" with the air conditioner at grandmas house. Another trick used to pull you towards buying this game -.-