Fun, Free and Addictive

User Rating: 9 | League of Legends PC
In its current shape League of Legends (LoL) brings a lot of entertainment value to the table. The Dota core team has indeed created an easy to learn game, with an astonishing tactical depth to it.

Players (Summoners) can choose from roundabout 50 champions, one of them, they can bring to the field. Champions can be buffed via a skill tree and Runes which both gain as the Player levels up. Currently only 2 maps exist - one 3v3 and a 5v5 environment. Repetitive maybe, but dull - not at all. Riot Games is constantly expanding the content (new Champions and skins), so it is most likely only a matter of time before new maps pop up.

The Gamespot Score might have been justified at the time of testing, but since then the game has seen quite a bit of improvement and today appears very well put together.

So, if you haven't tried it yet, give the game a shot! Warning: Competitive players will get hooked immediately, in fact LoL has great potential for esport. Also, the community-/ user-support is exemplary.

Downsides are:
* lack of map variety
* user database is split in US and Europe, which prevents players from different databases from playing with another.