League of Angels Review

User Rating: 10 | League of Angels PC

Greetings everyone. I am Xartmata and I am one of the players from League Of Angels. It started back in early November 2013 and that’s where I am at. I am on GtArcade and the server I am on is call Loralei (S1), and its one of the best web-browser games out there that I could find. Even though I am a “Free Player” but there is more “Free Players” out there plus “Buyers”. You will get hooked on LoA real quick with out thinking about it and really get hooked on the story line they have. However you can pick your fighter, there is Warrior, Mage and Archer and your sex as well. You will get an Angel to help you out from the start of the game and goes up from there. There is 22 different type of Angels out there and you must free them from the clutches of evil but you must be a certain rank to free the Angels with your Battle Points(BR) as well. You can be in a guild to really boost up your BR and your chances to get more Angels. Oh, certain levels require you to get your level up plus your BR as well. Once you get to a level 45, you can get married on there and really boost yours and your BR partner(male and female only. Sorry to tell the truth gay and lesbians community). This game is really good to play on the web and you get to meet new people from different parts of the world. Also League of Angels has there own Facebook account so you can get on there to see what is going on(that’s when you are a player for them). Come join me on League of Angels and make some good on the game. Free the Angels, boost your BR, have wild looking clothing and many more to tell. Now for me I need to head back on LoA and do some damage to the evil forces. I hope I see you all there on League of Angels!!!!


Xartmata <-----League of Angel , In Game Name

GtArcade <-----League of Angel, Main Site

Loralei(S1) <-----League of Angel, Server (that I am on)

Jack Shadowfire <----- Gamer Name