My Experience

User Rating: 7 | League of Angels PC

I think this is a nice casual game. It has quite a few features for former hardcore players like myself who do not have the hrs of playtime and schedule I had when I was younger to peak our interest. It also has some nice side games like candy-crush type games and occasional contest for when you can put in the hours/$ ie tychoon where one tries to hoard up resources. It is definitely a pay-to-win game, but one can still be very competitive without it, but if you plan to try and be Uber Leet and such, pay up. I highly encourage VIP as the eliminating cooldowns is essential. The game is new so expect some more things to be ironed out, but all in all it plays very well and if problems do occur, compensation is handed out. Graphics are nice. Gameplay standard. Sound is ok. Game depth and complexity and replay ability is high. Story is in all honesty weak, but I rarely play games for story-line, though there are some good pop and gaming culture references.