Not That bad, But not that special

User Rating: 6.5 | Largo Winch: Empire Under Threat GC
Largo Winch is an interesting game. I bought it the otherday because it was on special of $20 and had an intresting cover art. What i got was an average game.

Great story

Interesting gameplay - 3rd person adventure where you walk around and interact with environment. Eg, talk to people (Chose what to ask / say), hack computers ect...

Not a kids game - i dislike games that try to be both tough and appeal to the younger auidence. Whilst this game isn't really gore/violent, it is not a kid game.


TERIBLE COMBAT - I thought the game (From the cover art) would have descent fighting / Action with. Not so. It's turned based combat which is uninteresting.

No Guns - Guns are only used in cutscenes, never use in gameplay. (may not boter you but this let me down.

OVERALL = If you interrested or curious about this game and it's cheap, buy it. You will find somthing amusing about it and it does have a good plot. But at the same time don't expected a gripping game that you will spend hours playing and will fall in love with.
(Pardon spelling)